Summer Daze

Here we are again, slap in the middle of summer, July 4th is in the rear view and there more triple digit days ahead of a lot us, here in the continental U.S.
Thank heavens for air conditioners, pitchers of iced tea and lots of good book choices. And if you work out in the elements, hopefully, you can look forward to kicking back and enjoying some shade once in awhile.
For me, however, it's not just the lazy, hazy days of summer. It's looking forward to one of the major events of the season--for romance writers, that is. The Romance Writers of America's National Conference being held this year in San Diego.
It's a time to meet with long distance friends and associates, to network with folks in the industry and set fire to your writing motivation. It's huge. It's expensive, but it's soooo worth it!
I'm in pre-conference mode right now. This last week I've been getting wardrobe together, getting my last minute prescriptions filled, and trying to clean up my desk. I've been working on proposals, pitches, and scheduling events. My last things at the moment are hair and nails, (which I had to cancel for today because of a mom job that popped up.) It's all good, though. I've gone to plan 'B.' I will have it all together when the plane lifts off.
This weekend will also be a 'write like mad' time, plus final packing and leaving instructions with family. T-minus a few days and counting!
This is the business of writing, though only a small part of it. To my friends who'll be joining me--See ya in San Diego!
Oh, and if you're going to be in the area, come visit us at the RWA Literacy Book Signing. Lots of good deals and all the money going for Literacy.
Happy Reading!
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